This section is just to give you a flavour of the type of specialist coaching areas I work with and have taken extra certification in delivering this area of expertise
Project You ™ Coaching:
Can be applied to so many areas of our life where we may get stuck: business, personal or in life itself. I’ve yet to hear of a journey that has no corners, no turns, no bumps and bruises… even the hero and heroine in fairy tales have to go through some steep challenges to get to their end result.
Project You helps you to:
Identify beliefs that limit you and you believe to be true and help you release them;
Identify the things about you that need to be put into action for you to create ‘flow’ and teach you how to do it
Learning to Learn Coaching ™
Learning can be fun and enjoyable. What if you knew that there is an easier way to learn in the way that is right for you to retain that information and to recall it. Everyone learns in a different way and we can turn learning into fun at any age in an easy and effective way.
Amongst other things we will look at:
- Get rid of those beliefs that you can’t learn or that you’re stupid.
- Understanding your thinking and learning style
Winning Mind Coaching ™
Is a way of turning ambition in to achievement. Your mind does not know the difference between what’s real and what is imagined. Imagine using a mobile with poor connection limits your interaction so too with mindsets with the world. It’s like you operating on a failure, fear, bad, negative, poverty, worry, impossibility infested mindset.
- Move from failure to power
- Move from impossible to I AM Possible
Relationship Coaching – Lovebirds ™
Relationships can bring up wonderful feelings and also difficult negative ones such as anger, jealousy, frustration, fear, unhappiness, insecurity and much more. Relationships are not just about being in a relationship with a partner; it is about you in the world at work with your colleagues, your friends, your family and your partner.
I work with individuals and with couples, depending what is needed. My aim is to:
- resolve hurt or conflict; in the office or at home
- increase mutual respect, understanding and empathy;
“The greatest relationship you will ever have is the one you build within yourself”.
Prosperity Coaching ™
Prosperity coaching in a nutshell is about letting go of negative beliefs within our minds in allowing and attracting abundance to come to us, whether physical, emotional or financial. However the work to erase these beliefs does require you to do some inner work to start to build your life in a new direction.
Prosperity Coaching will work on your individual prosperity issues and give you a bespoke tailored programme as well as energy tools and techniques
- Receiving – Can you?
- Fixed income – Who fixed it?
- Asking – Do you?
So finally, only you can decide if you are ready to move from the place you find yourself stuck in to the place you want to move towards; to take that journey of self discovery.
So together WE will.
“We are more than what we do, much more than what we accomplish, far more than what we possess” William Arthur Ward
How do I start?
I offer a free 20 minute telehone/Skype call in which you can speak to me about what it is that you wish to address, after that we can make an initial first assessment appointment
Contact me on email at [email protected] or via mobile on
07952 753 916 to make an appointment to have a no obligation chat.