Project You – Life & More


youProject You ™ Coaching:

Can be applied to so many areas of our life where we may get stuck:  business, personal or in life itself.  I’ve yet to hear of a journey that has no corners, no turns, no bumps and bruises… even the hero and heroine in fairy tales have to go through some steep challenges to get to their end result.

If you feel that you have made continual wrong choices, bad choices, poor choices… you name it, or are not living the life that you know deep down that you could be living, then Project You might just fit the bill.

Project You helps you to:

  • Identify beliefs that limit you and you believe to be true and help you release them;
  • Identify the things about you that need to be put into action for you to create ‘flow’ and teach you how to do it; and
  • Aid you in identifying a direction in your life that your use of flow will create for you – creating a creating a goal that is completely right for you.

Only you can decide if you want to do that journey, take that step and make that investment in yourself.

If you want to learn more about how I can assist you with this then either email me or use the contact me box on the website or ring me to book an appointment to speak to me for free 20 minutes initial chat.

Winniefred Carneiro M.A.

Tel: (M – UK) 07952 753 916

email: [email protected]


“We are more than what we do, much more than what we accomplish, far more than what we possess” William Arthur Ward